Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Resource for Teachers on Geosciences!

The American Geoscience Institute’s (AGI) Critical Issues Program, a potential informational resource for use in your classroom lessons and/or lesson planning. AGI’s Critical Issues Program provides introductory information on issues at the intersection of geoscience and society, including energy, climate, water, natural hazards, and mineral resources.

Our Critical Issues Website is an information hub and an excellent resource for the classroom. Users can start with our geoscience basics and primer pages, which offer quick summaries of topics such as drought, mining, renewable energy, and earthquakes. These introductory pages provide links to more detailed information in a variety of formats, from frequently asked questions, interactive maps, webinars, and case studies, to a database of in-depth research publications.


  1. The link seems to go to an Exchange server… Here's a better one:

  2. Adena, thank you for your help, we have updated the link. Thanks for providing us with the correct one.
