Wednesday April 26, 3PM - 4PM (Mountain Time)
Joseph Kerski is teaching a webinar THIS WEEK through the Colorado Alliance on Environmental Education on citizen science – specifically, collecting, analyzing, and mapping your citizen science data.
The advent of web mapping and data collection technologies opens up new ways that educators and students can contribute data to the citizen science community. Join Geographer Joseph Kerski as he covers some of the easiest-to-use and most powerful of these methods, including Snap2Map, Story Maps, iNaturalist, and Survey123, which enable field data on invasive plant species, weather, water quality, birds, urban infrastructure conditions, and other data to be displayed and able to be analyzed spatially on interactive, multimedia web maps.
You will be empowered and confident that you can use these tools in an educational environment!
For more information or to register visit:
Contact: 303-273-9527 or Email: