G-Camp for Teachers 2016 is an opportunity for 5th-12th grade science teachers, district science coordinators, and TRC science project directors to experience and learn the principles of geology and Earth and environmental sciences in the field. During the two weeks, participants will explore the landscapes of Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado, including volcanoes, mountains, sand dunes, faults, glacial features, streams, landslides, K-T Boundary, energy and mineral resource, and other exciting features.
Participants will travel by commercial bus to each field location and stay in motels. There are two participants per room. Unfortunately single rooms cannot be provided. Participants will receive a stipend to cover meals. Participants are responsible for getting themselves to College Station by departure time and getting themselves home after arrival back in College Station; other than that, participant expenses are covered.
Participants must be able to walk a couple of miles during the day, so being in good shape is a requirement. This walking is different than walking on the sidewalk or an athletic track. It is sometimes up and down steep inclines. It is on unpaved trails and many of the sites are at higher elevations than any location in Texas.
G-Camp 2016 will depart from College Station very early on Monday, June 27, and return in the late afternoon or early evening on Sunday, July 10.
The G-Camp
application must be submitted by January 30, 2016. Thirty-two participants will be chosen by a selection committee, and applicants will be notified soon after selections are made.
If you have questions, contact Dr. Rick Giardino at
rickg@tamu.edu or Dr. Carolyn Schroeder at